Exercises, programs, courses and coaching that will allow you to excel in your professional or personal life. Discover ways to experience the fulfilling life you were destined to have.


Howard's programs have helped me facilitate and move through some massive changes in my world. 

I've been trying to work out did the universe send these programs to me so I could cope with the changes? Or did the changes come because of the process that I was going through on the programs... and I think in actual fact, it's a bit of both. I closed down one business that wasn’t working for me and opened up another. The person that I've become and what a difference that has made… The differences are just huge. I'm now spending so much more quality time with my family. I am really, really grateful for that and I've got three of the people here at home who feel exactly the same way. I'm very excited about my life at the moment. So thank you Howard.

Joe - Fitness Professional, Coach & Speaker

Hi, I’m Howard Tinker

After over 40 years of working with people to change their mindsets and results. I decided to put some of my programs on-line. The way to have true success is to have 3 things working in harmony; Mindset, Skillset and Environment. You can be taught to improve your skills anywhere across the net, you can see and experience wonderfully supportive (and challenging) environments all around you. However in order to utilise those and implement change in your life you have to have the correct mindset and that means letting go of some, or much of the mindset that got your to where you presently are. This is where I love to work. This is where I make the biggest impact in peoples lives. I am not a guru or sage, I just have a knack for communicating things in ways that are a catalyst for change and I love to do it.

The 9 Elements is a result of the work I have done and the lessons I have learned over the past 40 years. It delves deep into the ways to change someone's Mindset, Skillset and Environment. It literally is life changing. It was developed as a result of my many roles including that of social worker, therapist, counsellor, coach, mentor, facilitator, business owner and of course student.

My courses for the hospitality industry stem from the books I have written and the work I have done with business owners and teams in hospitality. If that's not your gig, leave those alone they are very specific to the hospitality industry. However everyone can benefit from the 9 Elements so dive right in there!